So much has happened with us in the last three weeks and I haven't had anytime to update so here is what has been going on with us . . .
The long awaited day arrived and Brandon came home on May 9th. He was delayed three hours which was the longest three hours in the whole year and 4 days he was gone. We were so excited to see him and Addi didn't let him out of her sight for the next 24 hours. It was very cute!!
We headed on a road trip to see Brandon's family. We stopped in Boise for a few days with Brandon's sister and her family and made our way to Oregon and spent five days with his folks. We went to the coast one day. It was so fun to see them and it made it even better to have all of us there this time.
We must have been crazy because we decided to drive 13 hours down the coast and take Addi to Disneyland for one day. We drove the following day 11 hours to come home. SHE LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! That made all our craziness worth it. We had a great time and she was more interested in seeing the characters than any of the rides. She was a trooper and she even kind of like Matterhorn. We had a great time. She was out like a light the minute we got into the car.